Monday, October 12, 2015

This morning, lulled in innocence, I was able to stand long enough to get the iron on patches, well, ironed on while Werner went out to have a good time. We will see how good they stick and if they don't I can sit to sew them on but at least will have them fasten on more or less in the correct place. Putting the stuff away went a lot faster than hunting it all up, digging it out and dusting it. With the window shelf cleared off again I was able to weigh and measure the most recent crew.

On the other side of the room, this week's crew were waiting to have their limbs and heads stuffed with the Eco-friendly polyester that I find so good for these parts. It packs well and makes the tops of the limbs solid enough that one doesn't need caps to make a good connection between vinyl and fabric. There is no way the glass sand can shift out around that solid mass.

I hope you can see the difference between the fuzzy premium poly-fill and this. Can you see how cotton-like it is. I took my time and tried to be calm and concentrate on babies and was even able to wiggle Holly's eyes into the proper place.
Someone asked me the other day how long it takes to make a doll. If I have three good days I can get 3 babies done. Each one takes three days  for me to recuperate from each 'job' but if  I can do three at a time and sprinkle out the rest periods between them there will be three or four ready to photograph at once. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and Wednesday cloudy so I am hoping they will all be happy with their new bodies.

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