Monday, May 18, 2015

Trey greeting me this morning. I think his attitude tried to infect the whole day. I had done very little dolly work yesterday except crochet on the new blanket because I was waiting on the order of doll joints from Amazon. All weekend I had told myself that the joints would arrive on Monday and I could proceed with my week normally.. What I did not figure was the fact that the joints were still at the post office and would not get here until afternoon. I also did not remember that putting in the joints demanded a lot of logical thinking (is this right or left? inside or the other side? where do the string ties go on the limb here or over there?) and that I am not sharp enough to do this in the afternoon. I ruined one body sleeve trying to work when there was not enough sense in my head for the job. It took several tries before I realized the Universe wanted me to do other things. So I washed all the sleepers bought on eBay (they did not smell bad, it was only they did not smell like my soap) and started on a peace pal doll. Working on that Heidi called to give me all the latest news on Ashley which made me feel very good. Who cares about dollies when there is such good news from a grandchild?

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