Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The biggest work today was deciding the stroller background was too busy for the set-up and putting the new fake sheep skin in it for Sweetie to sit on. This way her legs hang down properly and that pleases me. It shows off her shoe-socks which were a fortunate buy as her feet are too big for all the shoes I bought.
I am also simplifying the stuff she has with her. The pocket peace pal joined the others and lost out in the final cut.
The thinning scissors arrived today so I am hoping I can cut her hair and get it glued on tomorrow. I also, after this photo, cut open the cat pacifier and re-stuffed him which makes him look a lot better. I finished the pink crocheted blanket late in the day. WR picked up the mail so I have new dollies to make, proper eyes to insert, and some sleepers for naked babies.
Mary stopped by to bring flowers but had only a minute to look over things yet she did say the place had a good comfortable feel and offered to iron the sheets. She loved Sweetie and suggested that Crystal had a tummy ache. She could be right. She used to be a nurse in the preemie unit.

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