Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Angie is still barefoot. The sandals, made for the little slender feet of young girl dolls, were much too narrow. The dress, though I love it, is a 3 month size and therefore a bit too big for her. Still I love her as a grown up girl. Will I continue to search for tinier dresses?  The wig is actually too big for her also so a lot of what looked interesting yesterday need to be rethought today.

I had to take a close-up of this face and hair because I delight in it all so much. I am okay with everything going wrong on this project as I feel that what will be revealed will be the best in the end.

Having such great sunshine made me turn around to the recliner to catch this group. I still do not know what to do with my unfinished porcelain dolls except talk to them and keep their spirits up.

Yesterday Mary Rose told me about this project of making simple dolls dolls to give away. Last night I started this and was surprised how long it took me today to get her this far. I am unhappy with that big mouth  and will take that out and do a tiny round one. I do love not having to make arms and legs that match and need to be sewn on. You cannot see her tiny feet in this shot. They want the dolls made only in tans and brown skin colors (no white or black!) but I had so little I could not waste it on a trial attempt.

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